Thursday, August 29, 2013


Well there's a lot of talk about the VMAs and Mileys performance (though I am condemning Robin Thicke as well for that) But I already talked about this in my last post so I don't think I am going to even bring that up in this post. Instead I think I am going to bring up bullying.

First off, everyone gets bullied just a little and not everyone will know it. Secondly sometimes people are overly sensitive... And I honestly think that our culture might be being too sensitive about the topic.... No one should be bullied, yes that's true. But some of the stories I've heard are really no big deal in my opinion.... Some one called you stupid one time? OH MY GOD YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE A TERRIBLE LIFE!

And honestly when I was in high school, the students who say they got bullied the most were 100% of the time the biggest bullies in the school. In fact I got called a bully by one kid because I got mad at him in weights class. Here's what happened, he was putting more and more weights on as I was lifting after I told him to stop. And he laughed and said I was too weak and needed the muscle. Well after a couple extra weights I was having a hard time breathing because it was crushing me. Mind you this kid was like 4 times my size. So I called him a big jerk then he got all upset and told the teacher. I was a Junior in high school. I was about to get in trouble and the teacher even had to talk to me. Then I explained what happened and so did the witnesses so luckily this kid got in trouble...

My point is, I feel its hard as an adult to trust kids on these incidents, they might not see the whole picture or maybe they are afraid they get in trouble... I mean think about when you were a kid twisted things a little maybe cried about it too then getting out of trouble....

Here's another thing. CYBER BULLYING. I feel thats more true bullying. Not just a typical troll but some people are total jerks online. Read youtube comments on video's, check out people's tweets, heck even on facebook people bully all the time. I've read comments on youtube where people were telling someone to go kill themself. Sometimes people say that to the original "bully " themself which is incredibly hypocritical.

You can argue, well lets just be the mean peoples friend... NO. I am sorry but that is silly. You can be nice to them... But at the same time I also think they need to be humbled a bit.... That and why hang out with someone who is making you miserable... Heck I had to delete and block a "friend" on facebook because all he ever did was criticize me and my friends and well... I am not going to bring up that drama, the point is I was nice to him and nothing good happened, even after I tried talking to him about it... Rather he just got worse and spread rumors about me that were completely off the wall.

In the end, lets be nice.... Some teasing is fine and I do believe in character building, I mean life can't be perfect and if everything is your way I think everyone would be a bit spoiled I think. Plus I am a firm believe of having to be able to make fun of yourself to get by in life.
Now I have a feeling this is going to cause a lot of controversy, and quite honestly I AM NOT GOING TO LET YOU BULLY ME BACK! So please keep your opinion to yourself. Thanks.

In the mean time check out this video of a bunny.! (click the word "bunny" to go to the video)

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Keeping Sex Intimate

Here's a new thing I learned about: Slut Shaming. People get so upset of you labeling others that they give you a label for doing it. Now I have an issue with one saying slut shaming. But before I start, if you have sex with people congratulations I am not going to bother you and no you shouldn't be put down.

The thing I have is just America in general with how sex is. Sex is and at least used to be a very intimate thing as well maybe private. And everyone constantly talking about it kind of kills the intimacy of it. Plus I don't need nor want to know what you are into with other people when inside the room. Being a virgin is fine too and why is that more of a deal than a "slut shamer"? A virgin is simply waiting for that person they can be intimate with. If you have sex or have had sex, that's perfectly fine too. Its a gift from God.

If you want to talk about your sex life with friends, cool, but make sure they actually are fine with it... If you or your friend don't want to talk about it, you don't have to talk about it. You definitely don't have to put it all over for the world to know about.

With your sexual identity, people say "why does it matter if you're gay or straight" and its true.... We don't need to know, life goes on, my only request is can we please still keep the intimacy of sex in the room and not all over the media.

Friday, August 23, 2013

My 21st Birthday

So my 21st was over a week ago (sorry for the absence). I went to the zoo with a couple of friends and it was great. I was going to attempt to vlog but my camera was dead and it needs a charger which I had left at a friends house. (I have it back now). My friend James ended up filming as well and I think he has or at least will post a video of the zoo.

Anyway, after the zoo I went to the mall which normally would take like 30-40 minutes, but with traffic ended up being like over an hour and half. UGGH! We hung out there and I met my friend James's friend who also does video's and has 100+ subscribers! And we chatted for a little while.

Well after the mall I went to a place called Gilt, a very fancy restaurant in downtown Portland. I had a Sauvie Island Blackberry Cocktail which was basically Black berry vodka, juice and Sprite... All I could really taste was alcohol though.... Afterwards I went to a place called Departure which is on one of the top stories (I think 14th) of a hotel, where me and a couple others sat on the balcony. I had a Lemon Drop... Which again I could only mostly taste the alcohol.

However the next day I went to Applebee's and had some of their drinks which I LOVED.... But I haven't found any that I like since.

Again sorry for not updating in a while. I am going camping this weekend so maybe I will have something new to post afterwards!

Oh and this picture is hilarious, the mom and her daughters reaction are PRICELESS!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Smelling Roses!

Today I was thinking about the saying "stop and smell the roses." I am an optimist naturally... but then I started to think in a lesser positive manner about the saying "stop and smell the roses"

I smelled the rose and it was amazing. Then all of a sudden a bee popped out and I tried to throw the rose away but in doing so I got poked by a thorn. Then the bee tracked me down and I got stung, not only that, but the rose I just threw, yeah it landed on a bee nest and now they're all after me. Because of this I am now unable to smell such an enjoyable thing and just have memories that I will miss that immediately turned bad.
Its like bringing candy to a foreign country that doesn't have candy. You introduce these kids to something amazing only for them to never ever taste it again? That's like falling in love with someone then never ever see them again. You know what is a symbol of love? Roses. Jerks.

Sunday, August 4, 2013


       Here's a post that will be a little different than normal. I am going to talk about me being Christian, church, and stuff of the like.
       So I grew up in an Evangelical church. Would I say I am Evangelical now? Well, I don't think I can really say that. I went to an evangelical church from when I was 6 and until I was 17. But I really didn't start to get serious until I was about 15 which is when I started to attend youth group.
       Well I guess I am just going to talk about my testimony and church.
       When I was 15 I started going to youth group with a friend. This friend very much enjoyed going and it was the high light every week. I felt like I got a lot out of the services and had fun with the people there. I really wasn't much like any of the other people there, I guess because I was more innocent and raised in a more conservative manner than a lot of the other casual attendants, but I liked them.
       That summer I became a camp counselor and it was life changing and well at the time I really knew for sure I believed in God... But things got different when I was a senior. I had been a "youth leader" the previous year then just before the senior year (12th grade) my youth pastor left. And I have to say youth group was kind of uncomfortable and awkward to attend to at the church after that, especially being a youth leader too because I had to step up. Well sometime during my senior year the head pastor of the church left as well which caused my entire family to leave looking for a new church.
       I have to tell you church searching is hard, but I started going to one where a lot of my friends went to. It wasn't the same but I still enjoyed it and I actually liked the sunday service's better than my previous church. But after I graduated it gradually got more and more awkward to go to church. I felt bad cause I loved the sermons but a lot my friends left for college and I was either older or younger and sat alone several times which made me feel uncomfortable. Plus transportation was starting to get difficult, so I guess you can say that I stopped going.
       I hopped around with my parents but then I realized, churches are awkward. In some aspects they're almost a joke. Like the people don't realize they're being hypocrits or how they are saying things that hurt people or make them feel incredibly judged. I went to sermons where the pastor would contradict himself with in the sermon. I met Christians who knew nothing about the bible and just based everything they knew with what they're religious leader said.... This is going back in times when everyone was illiterate. Not only that but the church is saying everyone is unique and has special gifts yet I feel like everyone is pressured in the EXACT SAME WAY to act a certain way and then the very second you don't reach what someone was expecting, they give this aura which is just incredibly uncomfortable.
       As I went through college I have to say I have never realized how cold I was towards people. And some Christians don't seem to understand what narrowminded means... They get upset by you for labelling them. But the thing is I know so many Christians who will go up to people and basically bluntly say "you're sinning" which is... super... hurtful to people. Or they say "I am praying for you" in a sense like "I am hoping God will show you the light."
       With that said I decided to take a very long break from church. I am tired of seeing Christians hurting people and not even realize it all while thinking they are "following God" and "Evangelizing."
       You might disagree with me but I think Christians are doing it wrong.... Like do they realize how they say things to people hurts them? Do they realize some of the things they do seem like jokes to others? We're doing these traditions that aren't even in the bible every sunday. One might say "yeah thats because its Sunday and its church" which is like the worse Christian thing to say because they also say "you should act as Christ like as you do on sundays everyday." yet all the silly traditions they do are never mentioned in the bible. Then the second you disagree with them they make it obvious they are going to "pray for you."
       My thing is I am tired of feeling like every little action to being judged and that I have to try and act a certain way all the time just reach ones expectations. I mean as long as you're not messing yours or anothers life in anyway then no one should really place so many people on a high pedestal then throw them off once they are different than what they were hoping. Plus NO ONE IS PERFECT INCLUDING YOU.
       I also want to say that not having gone to church for so long I feel like its more about me and God. More personal. Its not me, God, and everyone in my church anymore which it seems to be a lot of Christians making it. I guess before I was just trying to impress people and also was just getting a lot of my relationship idea's from other people on how to have God in your life. When its my life Gods given to ME!
       In the end I do want to find a church cause I haven't gone in a long time. Plus I was used to a certain kind of church all my life and how I was even a year ago is way different than I am now so I guess I just want to explore whats out there and see who I really am and what God has to say to me in this new area of life. I also want to say I feel more understanding of me and MY relationship with God than ever and having not gone to church for over a year has made me stronger in my faith and less blind about it.
       And to my Christian (or whatever you do/don't believe) I am going to apologize if this offends you. I am not apologizing for myself though because I take full pride in what I believe and I want you to know God is incredibly important to me. I am apologizing you are distracting yourself from God, the being that you say is your everything, to really be upset by something you disagree with. I am sorry you waste your time with these negative thoughts and either hurt or aggression. And if you read it this far and anything you read bothered you I guess you might be someone who I am hoping will read this blog I just want to ask, what is your relationship with God? Was it developed by your friends, church, maybe family?

And on a PS note
I am not saying I disagree with my old churches or parents or anything. I am just pointing out something I feel needs to be addressed in the church... And sorry if I worded this weird or had bad punctuation or something but also sorry if you waste time getting bothered by it.
I also really want you to watch Blue Like Jazz. It may not be the best done movie but it has a good message I think. And I whole heartedly agree with apologizing all these "Christians" have done to this world. They are not the face of Jesus and I hope you don't judge him for them.