Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Moving to Wordpress

So I have been thinking about moving this blog over to word press. Simply because more people use it and I don't get as much spam from it. The link is if you want to check it out!
I will still update this one on occasion, but I think for now I will use Wordpress to get more attention.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Going to

I've been thinking a lot lately about life. I am hoping to be an elementary school teacher... but honestly my dream is to be a famous story teller. Learning stories is probably my favorite thing. Since a young age I've been wanting to be various kinds of story tellers. Whether that was a cartoonist, a writer, blogger, or making scripts, I have stories in my head. Some are funny, some are depressing, well I have a pretty big range.

In my room at my parents house I have a stack of probably a hundred journals. Some completely full some maybe just a few pages filled with things I have written or idea's I have jotted down so I can come back to it.

I think I am going to really try and aim to further my dream of story telling this next year... I guess I always get discouraged and never really finish anything. I have written stories that were over 100 pages on my computer only to ask myself whether it's good and then never return to them. Unfortunately those stories were formed too long ago for me to really remember what I had planned, however looking back a lot of them are much better than I had thought.

So I guess this year I just really want to finish something and stop telling myself its too big. Even if nothing ever gets published or ever seen by somebody else, I want to finish something to tell myself I can do it. I have share small snippets of these stories of friends, but I only showed the ones I wasn't as passionate about. I think one of my problems is I always tell myself I can try to do it, but I never really think I can. So I am going to "try" and remove the word from my vocabulary in this area.