Friday, December 27, 2013

Things I've learned since I graduated

So I saw some friends from high school a few days ago... And it reminded me about how each of us have grown the past few years. Here's a post about the things I have learned since I graduated.

1. People change. Or maybe grow is a better term. Some people might grow in different directions than you, but everyone grows.
2. If someone is effecting you negatively, sometimes the best thing to do is just stop talking with them.
3. Family also grow old, which might be hard for both them and you in different ways.
4. Sometimes the most important person to do something for is yourself.
5. Everyone comes from different back grounds, try to step in their shoes.
6. Sometimes when you try to be polite and nice, people just won't treat you the same.
7. You can't always be a people pleaser. Especially when you never please yourself.
8. Sometimes the best argument is to just shut up.
9. True humility is rare.
10. You need to be open and honest with those important to you, but you also need to be respectful and understanding.
11. A lot of peoples character and belief comes from experience... But at the same time some people can have lots of experience and still have nothing come from it.
12. Just because someone is older than you doesn't necessarily mean you should fully respect them.
13. Its okay if you get criticized and its okay if you get compliments. It depends on what you do with them.
14. You need to surround yourself with happy things.
15. Anger solves nothing.
16. There's still important people I have yet to meet.
17. Life is short. Don't limit yourself but still remember to not ruin yourself... I guess I mean being immature is often mature, but don't do anything that will really make things difficult.
18. If you enjoy something and someone thinks its immature (like Pokemon) they themselves are immature.
19. When someone insults you without knowing you, laugh at them.
20. Everything is funny you just have to let it be.
21. The most important part of being a Christian is worship.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Random Facts of me

Well this is weird... Why am I doing a random post about random facts?

Well lets see...
1. I tend to be the lowest singer in choirs I am in.
2. I entered college being better at music theory than other music students and helped them with homework.
3. I really want kids and even have names picked out.
4. I am hoping to adopt kids... Even if I don't ever find the right person.
5. My dream job is to be a famous story teller.
6. I really want to a lot of stuff on youtube, but lack a lot of the skills and things needed for what I want to do.
7. Some people call me Shaggy... But at camp my name was Shock.
8. I hide my feelings better than most people.
9. I don't give a crap about what most people think of me.
10. I think I am probably harder on my self than most people... Which kind of makes it hard to motivate myself to do things.
11. I want to travel a lot in the future.
12. I have been to 8 states. 10 if you include lay overs.
13. I get tired easily but have a hard time sleeping...
14. I spend a lot of time in bed, hoping I can sleep.
15. The smell and taste of coffee is unbearable for me. So strong that it has caused me to actually throw up before.
17. I have considered living in Los Angeles, Denver, and Ireland.
18. I always like quirky goofy characters in games, movies, and books the best.
19. I am good at not having drama in my life. Or at least I just am oblivious to it.
20. I often just blabber about things that might sound complainy but really I tend to be indifferent... Meaning I am probably the most carefree person I know.

Christmas Wish List 2013

Well, here's my Christmas wish list for anyone who might be interested!
Legend of Zelda:  A Link Between Worlds
Rome II Total War
The Sims 3 University Life OR Island Paradise
Luigi's Mansion 2 (For 3DS)
Amazon Gift Card
iTunes card
The thing this link goes too

Things that aren't as important
New Laptop
Diablo III
Riot Points (available at gamestop)

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

My top 5 favorite video games

So here's my post that I promised... Though I still have no idea what I am going to post about... I am thinking maybe something about my favorite video games.

Well I think in 5th place it's the Total War Series... Medieval Total War II to be specific is my favorite (that I've played) Its a Real Time Strategy (RTS) which is probably my favorite genre where you control and build cities then fight other nations. Rome and Medieval are both set in Europe, then there's several others that are set in other places as well. It might be hard if your new to it, especially if you don't play RTS games and its pretty intense as well at times.

Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth I and II are 4th on the list. It's the game that got me into RTS games. Being a Lord of the Rings fan I really have to give this game props... And it was probably the game I played the most in middle school and early high school. You have a small area where you build things and those things can give you units, money, and things in that nature. I highly recommend it if you haven't. Its not too complicated and is a good game to start if you're new to RTS games.

Now for the games that I have spent way too much time playing more recently. I would probably be more successful (and dull) if it weren't for these games as I have invested lots more time in playing them. I think the reason I like the next few games so much is there's multiple characters you can invest time (and sometimes emotion) into. Each character has a minor back story and special things to contribute.

I have invested way too much time in this free to play game. League of Legends is constantly updating new features and adding new characters and is a genre that is newly getting popular Multi-player Battle Arena. Basically the best way I can describe that is like Hunger Games. Its one of the most (and maybe/probably is) the most online played computer game today. It is a free to play game and you can unlock characters as you play, but they make money by allowing you to buy characters quicker and making different visuals for characters that might look cooler. I have maybe spent 30 dollars on this game but have invest a lot of time in playing it. I recommend it and if you play, I am ToxicShardShock. The only thing I don't like is the community of the game, lots of people have horrible attitudes and troll often.

Second is Pokemon. Yes you heard correctly, one of the things I talk about the most is not my first favorite game. Pokemon is part of my childhood and I haven't missed a game since I got my GameBoy Advance.... That is in the main series of Pokemon. There are lots of different series. Pokemon is an adventure game, that takes strategy. With lots of Pokemon, and lots of moves it is always entertaining. I have bought every game the day it came out since I was about 13... Well they tend to come in two's with not much difference in the counterpart games, then a third is released about a year later. I guess I don't have EVERY Pokemon game, but I have on from each new release. Being part of my childhood, I can't help but feel overly excited whenever new Pokemon are released. I always want to spoil the game (Love spoilers.) I will never get tired of the video games. My favorite so far is Emerald version. You can beat it quick, but still have those difficult times. For some reason, I also find it refreshing to play Emerald version.

My all time favorite game, the game that actually beats Pokemon is FIRE EMBLEM. It has everything I love. Amazing gameplay, lots of strategy, character development, amazing artwork, cool looking characters, fairly difficult settings, amazing story lines, and amazing music. This game, to me, is perfect. I don't talk about it as much, I think, because maybe it didn't have a show, or maybe because its not as big as Pokemon or League of Legends. But every time I play it, I just feel good. I have gotten lots of friends to play it and have been finding more people to play it as well. I was very excited when the most recent one was released, and even more excited when I learned lots of people I recently befriended also play it. This game is simple enough for anyone to play it, but also difficult enough for anyone to want to invest some time in. Its a pretty casual game (meaning you don't have to invest too much time in it and pick it up again easily) and after you play the first few chapters, you should understand it quite well. Again, I think this game is perfect and I really wish there were books or a movie based on it, because the story line is so well done. I highly recommend it to people. Its a Nintendo series game and currently has 6 games release in the US. If you use emulators, there are two Game Boy Advance games. There is also one for GameCube and its sequel is for the Wii. There is also one for the Nintendo DS and 3DS. I don't know I can pic a favorite as they are all so good and also different enough so its not too repetitive. I wish more people knew about this game because I feel its probably one of the best games AND genre's out there... Its a total strategy game kind of similar to Chess and the board game Stratego.

Disclaimer (sort of not really). There are probably typo's. I know the rules of grammar, but I bet you understood the jist of what I said... I am lazy and don't want to edit this a billion times. Sorry grammar nazi's.

PS Check out my Channel on youtube. subscribe to me there too! That'd be awesome.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Hopefully I'll Have More Soon!

Its been a while since I posted (like 2 months) but I do have other idea's to post. Just realized I hadn't posted in a while so hang in there!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

INFJ, Jung Personality test.

     So every time I take the Jung personality test, I am ALWAY'S the most rare kind of personality there is. INFJ, which stands for Introverted, iNtuitive, Feelings, and Judging. If you want to understand what that means click here.
     Basically though it means I am good at reading people. It takes a lot for me to trust you and once I do that is a HUGE compliment. It's hard to communicate emotions verbally, but very easily through writing. I like helping people, but am sensitive about it; which I guess means you need to be good at accepting help. And well there's lots of other things about being an INFJ.
     It's been a while since I took this test but I feel its still true. All the jobs suggested are jobs that I want to do. And every description I've read I relate to well. I think in the description from the link above my favorite line is:
  • INFJs are weird / odd / strange / extremely rare and they very much know it. They yearn to be understood and want to be accepted as they are (as most people do, of course). An INFJ is incredibly complex, so complex they confuse even themselves. They almost always feel misunderstood and ‘hidden’. They will be offended if you pass them off as ‘simple’ or ‘average’. Getting to know an INFJ takes work, so be prepared for that. A lot of gentle enquiry is required.
I feel its accurate and I don't mean in the dorky way nor am I meaning to be that guy who's fishing for some kind of attention, its just in general I basically always feel like that.

Friday, October 11, 2013

So Called Missionaries

     Okay a post that might upset my Christian friends.
     I find it funny how people are willing to go to countries as a missionary evangelizing to another place that is already Christian, but when it comes to going into the big city, a place where they think God doesn't exist, they immediately shun the idea of going there.
     I need to be honest, I have met too many people who have only ever been surrounded by Christians. They think they are the best of Christians. I am going to be honest, I think you are JUST AS GOOD AS EVERYONE ELSE!
     First off, how are you supposed to let yourself grow if your faith is never challenged. If you are only around other Christians who have the same philosophies you have been raised with, how do you know you are really a follower of Jesus, or a follower of those around you? Why are you afraid to go into a place that there are going to be people who may or may not agree with you?
     After I graduated high school suddenly I wasn't around people who I always agreed with and with this I started to grow. I am now more aware of what God wants me to do with my faith and the traits he has given me than ever before just from not being around the same denomination of Christian friends. Sure a lot of my idea's have changed, but I still believe in Jesus. I personally think I am a better Christian and human being.
     So if you want to evangelize, maybe go to a place you are afraid of going. Or go to a place that will challenge you. Let yourself grow and extend your limits rather than just staying in the same settings you have always been in. A tree can't grow its maximum height if you leave it in the pot forever.

My new intro!

So I decided to make an intro for my youtube channel! And here it is! Click here to watch intro.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Feminists in Action Movies

     Okay, here is something that bothers me. Every action movie I have seen that tries to have female characters always has one of either three types of characters. And each of them aren't realistic and almost offensive. People get excited because they think, "Oh a strong female character!" But in my opinion its the exact opposite.
     First you have the most commonly used one. The one who is a total jerk, hates men, seems emotionless, and never happy. No person, either gender, is really like that unless they are super emotionally damaged. Every time an action movie has this female character I pray she dies. I find it offensive, anti masculinity, but also anti feminist. It's also rather ignorant because typically directors just want that strong female character, but the character they have isn't part of a feminist movement... Feminism, by definition is equality for all. Not some kind "This hard-@$$ is better than everyone."
     Next you have the seducer, the one who's actually kinder, but she still has this "men are slobs" thing going on... She has the whole I need to use sex to get what I want cause I know I can get anything this way. They always talk in sexy voices and betray every man she seduces. This is also anti-feminist, even though a lot of people consider her another strong female character... I almost feel like this the exact opposite since it's the whole "women are just here for sex" idea that everyone gets mad about in pop-culture.
     Then finally you have the weak cry-baby girl. She's afraid of everything cries a lot and makes everyone around her do everything cause she's crying too much. She's the one I have the least to say about because she isn't as used as the others, but I think you get my point.
     In reality there aren't that many women who fit these descriptions. Sure the first two I mentioned are independent, but can't we have a real girl. Maybe find a girl who's bubbly, and friendly, yet also can take care of herself. I can't think of any action movie that has anything besides those three descriptions. I can think of several anime's that do, and I don't even watch anime much.
     So this is my rant that may or may not make me look like a feminist... I feel as though everyone has a different idea what feminism is.

Monday, October 7, 2013

My BIGGEST Pet Peeve

     Well what is my biggest pet peeve? When someone gets angry easily and/or over stupid things. I see myself as a pretty patient person. But when you throw a fit because you spilled milk I might actually slap you. I see no worth to anger. Do I get angry? Yes! I try my hardest not to. But the only people I have ever not been able to be around very much are people who get angry all the time.
     I see it as incredibly self centered to be angry often. Like for some reason you are always right and better than whatever. And the people who I know personally that are angry often, -caution I am not going to filter this,- are the biggest freaking idiots I know. Like every one of them causes something bad to happen and are trying to make everyone around them to have fault only in the end to realize its their own fault.
     I have no problem with slow people, but most easily angered people I know are incredibly slow at getting things, and i think its because they get so hot headed they can't even think about it.
     This sounds horrible but I have a relative (or relatives) that do get angry over the dumbest things and I can't stand being around them. To be honest most of the time I see almost no worth to people who get mad over things. I am an optimistic person, but if all you do is make everyone around you feel miserable, I don't care how good you are at doing your job or whatever, but you DON'T deserve it.
     I can straight up say this is my most narrow-minded post and honestly I don't care. This is my BIGGEST pet peeve after all. I have zero-tolerance towards this kind of pessimism and I might even snap back at you way harder. And this is also straight up the most hypocritical thing I have said, but the one thing that makes me the angriest are ANGRY PEOPLE!
     Okay my vent is over. With this said, here's my words of wisdom, you can't reason with the unreasonable.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

What Would I do With: Invisibility?

     Well a specific question. What would I do if I were invisible? I have a couple of mini-series posts I want to make and well super powers is one of them. I made one post about them but I guess I want to go on about it.
     If I were invisible I think I would mostly use it for self-purposes... Call me selfish but I guess I don't really see too much heroic things with invisibility. I mean I could act as a wall during a burglary, but then I'd get ran into by some jerk who might end up shooting me out of confusion. I could spy on harmful meetings from other nations but chances are I would have no idea what they were saying because I am you're typical American who only speaks English. That and I am too ADD to be able to pay attention to a meeting.
     So in reality there is nothing heroic about being able to turn invisible. So of course it would be for my selfish deeds.
     I think the first thing I would do was avoid civilization when I wanted to. Just walk around streets minding my own business without anyone bothering me. Maybe go watch a ton of movies, read books, eat, those kind of things. If I am in trouble, well lets just vanish and hope no one notices.
     The next thing I would do would probably prank people I don't like. Yeah that's almost villainous but it would be fun. Continually tapping on someones shoulder. Talking to people when they are in a room by them self.
     Also I would speak up... like I would try and use a different voice and tell someone what I think... Or maybe I would sit in on others socializing and just listen and to the person full of the drama just be all like "you realize no one wants to listen to your crap." Yeah that's a tad rude but I am not perfect. I might seem patient but I still do get frustrated with people sometimes.
     Trying to talk to famous people would be great too without getting in trouble. Maybe not talk but give them a huge hug and say I love their work. It might freak them out some and potentially cause them to be another celebrity who even loves because of how crazy they are. But I'll find a way to make them all go crazy. In fact that might be the most heroic thing I could do, make everyone go crazy together!
     Lastly, I honestly would probably spy on those people I like... I don't think I would sexually just because I respect them but it feels good to be around them I guess. And I would try hard not to make them crazy. Though if everyone around them is crazy and they're not then I wouldn't want them to have to deal with that so I probably would.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Pokemon Favorites.

I am going to have a fun post about Pokemon... Well maybe not fun but a JUST FOR FUNSY'S post about Pokemon.

First I want to start of with my favorite types:
Poison: why? Because I love it when the opposing Pokemon is poisoned. Especially badly Poisoned, it takes out even the most defensive opponents, I am SO waiting for when they release a Poison legendary, the only type we don't have yet. My screen names for video games is almost always ToxicShardShock... Toxic comes from my favorite move in Pokemon.
Electric: Well, I think electric type Pokemon are way cooler than other types for some reason. And many of my favorites are electric type. Plus hey my camp name was Shock. Of course its electric!

Well really its hard to decide upon the others.

My favorite game:
Emerald Version: I think its because of how forward it is. I have played it so many times I know basically everything and all the glitches. I can tell you that if you chose Torchic and go straight to a special spot you will find a Ralts very first thing. I can tell you above Dewford city, there's several hidden items in the sand. I know everything about Emerald version, which trainers have what Pokemon, where Pokemon appear, what levels they evolve I almost have what level they learn moves. I love Emerald Version

Now for my favorite starters.
Treecko: For some reason I fell in love with Treecko, a fine attack AND speed. Plus its one of the underdog types, grass. I don't really like grass type, rather I see it as a type you almost always have to have on your team. Its super effect against ground and rock types which not too many Pokemon are.
Squirtle: Actually not my first starter ever, my first starter was in Crystal version and that was Cyndaquil. But Squirtle was my first Pokemon from Red version. But I don't think I ever got that far in red version to be honest with you... However in Leaf Green it was Bulbasaur, and I had this technique for using it.
Cyndaquil: My first starter ever and really the only fire type I like. I think probably because I always saw it as a timid Pokemon and I like timid. Plus Typhlosion is beast.

My favorite Legendaries:
To be honest, I never really liked any Legendaries that much. I kind of liked the legendary dogs, but maybe not too much.

And finally my favorite Pokemon:
well in order from most favorite to least.
Crobat: its a poison type that is actually in its third stage. It evolves from the most annoying Pokemon in the game and also one of the weekest. For some reason I love the idea of it being this huge bat, even though I don't really care for bats. Plus its a poison type where Poison IS the dominant type. Sure there's flying but its more recognized to be Poison.
Poliwhirl: I don't know why, I just find it to be a really quirky Pokemon plus I love Poliwrath. And I have to say there is something cute about Poliwag.
Gallade: Psychic and Fighting, two conflicting types, almost as conflicting as Lanturn the Electric and water type. Gallade just looks cool and you can actually use him in competitive play.
Luxray: An electric freaking panther. You might think its dark and electric, but no. Something about him just makes me really like him. Maybe its the whole fact you can recognize that its an animal, but also its a pretty good Pokemon, if I must say so myself.

Well thats pretty much all I have to say about Pokemon and my opinions. Thanks for reading and PLEASE +1 this post, it would be much appreciated. (assuming you have G+)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

"Delete me if you don't like it"

After reading this, I realized how many blog posts of the future I have set up... I haven't gone into full detail just for that but yeah, most of these things were things I was planning on posting at some point.

     So on facebook sometimes I put down (but very rarely) if you don't like it delete me. And every time I do a few people do delete me. Normally its a political statement, a religious one, or something along those lines. Now I don't do it for the drama, I do it to sort out potential drama. I could care less if I disagree with someone, in fact I disagree with basically all my friends on lots of things. But some people are so sensitive about these agreements they cause drama about it. So I guess I wanted to vent about that and just say these things.
     I am a fiscal conservative on basically all issues... Though I do think we need to fund education better and mental health facilities. I think our education system is highly flawed and their are too many insane people, depressed people, and just people who do have mental disabilities. As sad as it is we do have to tax it, but on other issues I think we should tax less on.
     I think people get angry too fast and I respect them less for it. Sorry but I do. People get upset over stupid things and its not okay.
     I am Christian and a pretty traditional one at that.
     I hate it when someone confronts me privately about an opinion and act like I am a horrible person just because I am not "liberal" or that I am part of "such a hateful religion" this happens mostly with friends my age in college.
     I don't think people should ever be offended by jokes as long as its a joke. Jokes are harmless and make me laugh. Why be sad over things, I think I should be allowed to laugh at what I want. There are cases when people are making jokes cause they ACTUALLY believe they are better than someone. Now I am not saying that a joke downgrading someone is bad because those are the best kinds. I am saying if someone actually see's himself higher than the other its just rude and not funny.... I see too many comedians who are like that.
     I love Daniel Tosh, South Park, and offensive shows of the like. They make me laugh and no they don't really see themselves higher than who they are making fun of.
     I disrespect people who say they disrespect people who like certain games, shows, etc. I didn't realize I did until recently when the new Grand Theft Auto game came out. Its not a game for me, but if you like it cool. When it did WAY too many people were pissed about how popular it is. Sorry but you upset me.
     People are going to say this entire post makes me a hypocrite, well sorry if you don't understand what I mean by this post then I don't care to hear you say that. I mean I am venting about the things that upset me, and I know I don't think people should easily be angered but if you think I am actually angry and what not then I guess you are just one of those overly sensitive people.
     I have a strong dislike towards drugs and hate it when people judge me for not wanting to try it. "You need to try it once, I'll do it with you and keep you safe." Sorry but I am not going to try marijuana. Caffeine and drinking alcohol every so often is good enough for me and I have other ways of relaxing myself and or stimulating myself. I'm not saying if you do these things I will dislike you I am saying I don't want you to try to peer pressure me into doing it... I am good at not falling into peer pressure and I think that's why I have a lot of friends... I have always been myself rather than follow everyone else.
     I am going to talk about people when they are not around. Everyone does. A lot of the time its more like someone upset me and I need to vent about it. If you don't understand this then I guess in the end I don't really trust you... I don't know how to put it. At the same time as me saying that, I hate it when people "vent" about others a lot. If that's the case then I am guessing there is something you can do about it and at this point its your fault that you haven't yet. In the end no one is perfect and everyone might have an issue with everyone. Heck I even sometimes complain about my BEST FRIENDS and I am sure they do the same towards. me.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Massive Egg Pun

     So a couple years ago, I wrote this massive thing full of puns about eggs, it goes like this

To all the yolks out there who like egg puns, I'm glad you see the sunny-side-up of things; to everyone else, quit being so hard-boiled. Come out of your shell and crack a few yolks and live a little. Omeletting you lay them on me, so stop being on the side. There's no need to separate the white from the yellow only because of a substance like jello. Wake up when the rooster crows and don't be a chicken, scramble a few words and make puns about eggs.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Gaming Video's

     So originally I didn't think I would ever do this but I decided to start making gaming video's! I'll probably end up making more of them than I do normal video's. But so far I have 3 Pokemon games I am playing through and making video's. Pokemon Fire Red version I am only using water types. Then I started a Pokemon hack game called Ash Gray which is almost exact to the TV show. And I am also doing a Nuzlocke on Emerald version.
     If you don't know what a nuzlocke is, basically you are only allowed to use the first Pokemon you run into on a new route. Also if one of your Pokemon faints it is considered dead and you can't use it ever again.... So far it has been quite interesting but it is exciting.
     Normally I wouldn't be talking about this but the reason why I am is because someone messaged me saying they liked my video's and said they'd mention me on their channel, which is perfect! They have quite a bit more subscribers than me and I put them on my featured channels list, their profile is PokemonTrainerManu and they are another Pokemon fan if you can't tell where they do Pokemon gaming video's.

Monday, September 23, 2013

My Favorite Youtubers

So before I gave reviews of my favorite bands, now I am going to mention my favorite Youtubers.

Laina- also known as Overly Attached Girlfriend. Okay she's not as famous, but her video's make me laugh, and she actually has a nice modest personality out side of her character. She has an off-humor which I can't describe but I do like. A lot of other people might not like it. The thing is I liked her from the first video she posted and its interesting to see how's she progressed. You can tell she didn't really know what to do after her first video went viral but after a while she started to get the hang of it all while keeping the overly attached GF persona in several of her video's. I find her pretty funny in most of her video's.

Zefrank- Probably the oldest youtuber. He posts silly random facts video's of animals and other things. The thing i like most about him is his very distinct voice. The vlogs he has are interesting but a tad creepy as he moves his eyebrows quite aggressively and rarely blinks.

Joey Graceffa- Now most of you are going to find him annoying. He's a very gay acting youtuber who I guess is straight. For some reason I just absolutely love him. He's nothing more than a blogger, however he also has a gaming channel that I love. He was also on Amazing Race recently.

Shane Dawson- Probably the most innapropriate youtuber out there. He dresses up like girls, talks about tampons, and well, the first youtuber I think I really got into watching. So there's a special place in my heart for him... Even though I really am somewhat new to this whole youtube thing. He also has a channel for vlogging and his own podcast called Shane and Friends which I also recommend. You can get it either on SoundCloud or iTunes for free.

PewDiePie- I think I laugh at every video I have seen of his, and a lot of the time I burst out laughing. He has the channel with the most subscribers. He's mainly a gamer in his video's but I think anyone can watch them and still get a good laugh. I think being that he's very jumpy is what makes him so funny. He's also from Poland so expect an accent. I think what I love most is either how you never expect what he's about to say while playing a game or the fact he is so jumpy and it makes me feel better about myself. Also that its very amateur and he has this very sincere thankfulness and humility. His fans are called "Bro's" so when ever I hear someone say that I wonder if they are really a bro or not.

Now I think I am going to try and put a little signature in most of my posts. I always forget about advertising my blog in my blog itself. But subscribing to my blog is much appreciated, so is sharing it, liking entries or using the +1 feature. So here I BEG YOU to do that. And on the side give me that extra ego boost and subscribing to my youtube channel liking Cheifshock on facebook and following me on Twitter. All of that is much appreciated.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Five Favorite Bands

I've been wanting to give a shout out to my favorite bands but for some reason it took me a while to be sure of number 5 when all of a sudden I was like eh why not a singer! In all honesty I don't have many female bands/singers I listen too, so I apologize about that. I tend to like lower female singers with raspy voices like P!nk so if you have any recommendations let me know!

Alex Clare
Alex Clare - No its not a band but I figure singers/bands are basically the same. I just like Alex Clares music, I somehow don't have an album of his but ever since i heard his song "Too Close" on the Internet Explorers Commercial I fell in love with song. Internet Explorers is a horrible web browser but it did get me to love that song. If you haven't heard his other stuff I recommend it. "Hummingbird" is another song I recommend listening too, more of an accoustic song. Though that link isn't the accoustic version of it.
The Magnetic Fields

Magnetic Fields - This band isn't as well known and is totally Indie but I highly recommend them as well. It uses more classical instruments but makes it more upbeat, such as Cello's. They write tons of love songs so if you like that then this band is perfect! Here's their song "I Wish I had an Evil Twin"

Mumford and Sons

Mumford and Sons - Well as you can tell I might be a tad hipster, I mean one of my favorite bands is an Indie band no ones heard of and now Mumford and Sons. If you don't know, Mumford and Sons is an Irish folk rock band... I'd be surprised if you had never heard their music. "Little Lion Man" is fairly famous.

Lead Singer of Awolnation
Awolnation - another band that is fairly famous but maybe you don't know it. They are an electronic alternative band. Their most famous songs are "sail" which gives me the chills when ever I hear it and "Not Your Fault" another thing that absolutely love is their lyrics, so creatively put and full of emotion. Maybe the latter link I mention as much but the rest of their songs make you think.

Switchfoot - Ahh here it is, my favorite band! This Alternative band has a movie coming out about their favorite surfing spots. I can't tell you which one of their songs might be most famous but I think my favorite song by them is either "Restless" or "Let Your Love Be Strong" Their songs are probably the most poetic of the 5 I mentioned and make you think a lot too. Their newest album is my favorite, Vice Versus.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Narrow-Minded Towards Judgemental

     You know, one thing I have noticed is that people over-do the whole "judgmental" thing... I might sound like a hypocrite especially with some of my previous posts, but I feel everyone has the right to be slightly judgmental... And to be judging of someone else's judgement is just as bad. Let me explain...
     It seems every opinion one might have is classified as judgmental. I am not going to lie, there are some life styles I am not going to approve of. If that offends you, I am sorry, but I don't want to live in a world where the bar is incredibly low to the point where if I don't give money to the guy on the street, who probably is using it on drugs, I am a bad person.
     I feel as though people are so afraid of being called "narrow minded" they start to lose there self-respect and approve of things they probably shouldn't. If you talk about doing drugs all the time and are stoned every time I talk to you and its hard to even have a conversation, I have a hard time respecting you. Does that make me judgmental? I feel as though many people would.
     I've met people who at one point were "judgey" and to avoid that LABEL they decided to do stupid things they normally wouldn't just so people wouldn't think they were bigoted. You know who I think get the most judgement? The people who actually try to live healthy and happy. You're 17 and a virgin? OH MY GOSH I CAN'T EVEN TALK TO YOU. YOU PROBABLY THINK I AM HORRIBLE PERSON CAUSE I LOST MINE IN 7th GRADE. That's how a lot of people I know are. Or people who do drugs think because you don't, you're going to be smug by the fact that you don't like snorting things up your nose.
     Now a lot of you reading this might call me ignorant and that no one thinks like this and that I shouldn't be so hard. The thing is, I KNOW SO MANY PEOPLE WHO ARE LIKE THIS. Excuse me for having an opinion first off, and secondly, sorry I don't chose to do things that can potentially ruin my life.
     In other sense, yes there are times people are unreasonably judgmental and I do think they should be humbled... But at the same time if you are just as rude to them back, that doesn't make you a better person. it just makes you a d-bag back.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Which video's get the most views?

So as I was making another video, I realized that the video's with the most views are the ones that are sexual in anyway... Maybe I need to add the word BOOBS in more of the titles.
As for me sexual things in titles don't really make me want to click on them. Its typically funnier titles I guess...
This is a short blog update but if people want, what are key words in titles that might get you to click on something?
In the mean time click HERE to go to my channel and watch my latest video where I confuse my sister with an Asian girl. Don't forget to like the video, share it, and subscribe to my channel! That is much appreciated. (That's just my profile pic on youtube)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Sex Icons are Puppets

     So one thing a lot of you might take from reading my blog is I don't have a high opinion on media. People are strongly condemning Robin Thicke and Miley Cyrus... But to be honest I don't think we should be. Before I start, I have done little to know research about what I am about to discuss, I am just going to state what I think is probably the case... And of course media probably tries to cover it up.
     I do not think we should be blaming these celebrities for all these things like "making women objects" I think we should first of blame ourselves for letting this be the norm... But more importantly the producers and managers. These people are just making off money telling them what to do... Miley is simply just a puppet. And being that she makes money this way and is probably signed to a contract, has to act a certain way and do certain things. Its nothing more than to get popularity and money. At least that's what I think. Do you really thing this is their voice? No, go to any live concert with out auto-tune and they will sound bad. They are just good looking people who have the energy and charisma they need for producers to use.
     Now why am I posting this way late? Because I still hear about it even after the whole thing in Syria and what ever else is going on in the world. The whole Syria thing I might not post about as I am really not caught up with it and kind of just find it too depressing... I also find the whole Miley thing depressing but I feel the need to post my opinion about the topic. And I don't find it depressing she turned this way, I am blaming everyone else for letting this happen and giving it attention in media.
     In the end I want to say this... If you don't like the song "Blurred Lines" then stop complaining about it... I mean I don't like the words but its a catchy song. Also give Robin Thicke a break.. I think in an article he even mentioned having nothing to do with the "unrated" version of the music video. I keep hearing people complain about it and I just wish they would stop criticizing him.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

JAZZ and Pokemon

     So today I was thinking about the activities I was most involved and passionate about through out my life. I know when I was younger it was soccer but I stopped early and never really liked it. TV was another one of those things... But to be honest I could hardly remember anything I was into until I got my gameboy... However I do remember getting super involved with a game called Shining Force (it was a Sega game I had for my computer) and its a strategy game that's similar to Fire Emblem.
     I did take piano lessons starting in 3rd grade, and actually music is probably the thing I have invested the most time in. I am more of a performer than a listener.
     Well I got my gameboy with my first game, Pokemon Crystal. It was my 10th birthday present. And honestly Pokemon is one of those things I don't think I will ever easily out grow. I still get super excited about it and know lots about it, play with friends, and can tell you more about it than most people (though I do have a few friends who know a lot about it)
     In 6th grade I also remember getting even more involved with Pokemon cause I had friends to play with but 6th grade was also kind of a different year. For starters I started playing trombone. Then I also played basketball, and believe it or not my team one the championships for the community tournament... I remember my 6th grade class had this thing where we would share something cool that happened in our life and everyone was surprised I even played basketball. I also played baseball, which honestly I didn't like much and we also lost every game....
     7th grade I joined a jazz club called Whiskey Hill. This probably is one of the more influential things to my life. Though there were times I absolutely just wanted to throw my Trombone against the wall, I am glad I was in it and also got to have some of the most unique opportunities of a lifetime through it. Playing in Disney Land, during the performance the trombone players even got up and danced to show ourselves having fun. I can honestly say I never get stage fright and am completely comfortable in front of audience whether it be singing, doing comedy, a speech... Well really I just feel confident on a stage.
     I didn't really start anything new until high school... I got more involved with my church my sophomore year and was a camp counselor that Summer. But the next real activity was Racquetball. I was horrible at it but its definitely my favorite sport. I think I lost every game except one when in it in high school. Choir was something else I joined after having been in the musical Chicago... Which was fun but that form of theater isn't for me.
     Now really the main activity is Choir. I am so thankful to have joined my old college choir. I made many friends and was able to keep doing something I am passionate about. Now that I am done, I want to find a new choir to be a part of.

Thursday, August 29, 2013


Well there's a lot of talk about the VMAs and Mileys performance (though I am condemning Robin Thicke as well for that) But I already talked about this in my last post so I don't think I am going to even bring that up in this post. Instead I think I am going to bring up bullying.

First off, everyone gets bullied just a little and not everyone will know it. Secondly sometimes people are overly sensitive... And I honestly think that our culture might be being too sensitive about the topic.... No one should be bullied, yes that's true. But some of the stories I've heard are really no big deal in my opinion.... Some one called you stupid one time? OH MY GOD YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE A TERRIBLE LIFE!

And honestly when I was in high school, the students who say they got bullied the most were 100% of the time the biggest bullies in the school. In fact I got called a bully by one kid because I got mad at him in weights class. Here's what happened, he was putting more and more weights on as I was lifting after I told him to stop. And he laughed and said I was too weak and needed the muscle. Well after a couple extra weights I was having a hard time breathing because it was crushing me. Mind you this kid was like 4 times my size. So I called him a big jerk then he got all upset and told the teacher. I was a Junior in high school. I was about to get in trouble and the teacher even had to talk to me. Then I explained what happened and so did the witnesses so luckily this kid got in trouble...

My point is, I feel its hard as an adult to trust kids on these incidents, they might not see the whole picture or maybe they are afraid they get in trouble... I mean think about when you were a kid twisted things a little maybe cried about it too then getting out of trouble....

Here's another thing. CYBER BULLYING. I feel thats more true bullying. Not just a typical troll but some people are total jerks online. Read youtube comments on video's, check out people's tweets, heck even on facebook people bully all the time. I've read comments on youtube where people were telling someone to go kill themself. Sometimes people say that to the original "bully " themself which is incredibly hypocritical.

You can argue, well lets just be the mean peoples friend... NO. I am sorry but that is silly. You can be nice to them... But at the same time I also think they need to be humbled a bit.... That and why hang out with someone who is making you miserable... Heck I had to delete and block a "friend" on facebook because all he ever did was criticize me and my friends and well... I am not going to bring up that drama, the point is I was nice to him and nothing good happened, even after I tried talking to him about it... Rather he just got worse and spread rumors about me that were completely off the wall.

In the end, lets be nice.... Some teasing is fine and I do believe in character building, I mean life can't be perfect and if everything is your way I think everyone would be a bit spoiled I think. Plus I am a firm believe of having to be able to make fun of yourself to get by in life.
Now I have a feeling this is going to cause a lot of controversy, and quite honestly I AM NOT GOING TO LET YOU BULLY ME BACK! So please keep your opinion to yourself. Thanks.

In the mean time check out this video of a bunny.! (click the word "bunny" to go to the video)

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Keeping Sex Intimate

Here's a new thing I learned about: Slut Shaming. People get so upset of you labeling others that they give you a label for doing it. Now I have an issue with one saying slut shaming. But before I start, if you have sex with people congratulations I am not going to bother you and no you shouldn't be put down.

The thing I have is just America in general with how sex is. Sex is and at least used to be a very intimate thing as well maybe private. And everyone constantly talking about it kind of kills the intimacy of it. Plus I don't need nor want to know what you are into with other people when inside the room. Being a virgin is fine too and why is that more of a deal than a "slut shamer"? A virgin is simply waiting for that person they can be intimate with. If you have sex or have had sex, that's perfectly fine too. Its a gift from God.

If you want to talk about your sex life with friends, cool, but make sure they actually are fine with it... If you or your friend don't want to talk about it, you don't have to talk about it. You definitely don't have to put it all over for the world to know about.

With your sexual identity, people say "why does it matter if you're gay or straight" and its true.... We don't need to know, life goes on, my only request is can we please still keep the intimacy of sex in the room and not all over the media.

Friday, August 23, 2013

My 21st Birthday

So my 21st was over a week ago (sorry for the absence). I went to the zoo with a couple of friends and it was great. I was going to attempt to vlog but my camera was dead and it needs a charger which I had left at a friends house. (I have it back now). My friend James ended up filming as well and I think he has or at least will post a video of the zoo.

Anyway, after the zoo I went to the mall which normally would take like 30-40 minutes, but with traffic ended up being like over an hour and half. UGGH! We hung out there and I met my friend James's friend who also does video's and has 100+ subscribers! And we chatted for a little while.

Well after the mall I went to a place called Gilt, a very fancy restaurant in downtown Portland. I had a Sauvie Island Blackberry Cocktail which was basically Black berry vodka, juice and Sprite... All I could really taste was alcohol though.... Afterwards I went to a place called Departure which is on one of the top stories (I think 14th) of a hotel, where me and a couple others sat on the balcony. I had a Lemon Drop... Which again I could only mostly taste the alcohol.

However the next day I went to Applebee's and had some of their drinks which I LOVED.... But I haven't found any that I like since.

Again sorry for not updating in a while. I am going camping this weekend so maybe I will have something new to post afterwards!

Oh and this picture is hilarious, the mom and her daughters reaction are PRICELESS!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Smelling Roses!

Today I was thinking about the saying "stop and smell the roses." I am an optimist naturally... but then I started to think in a lesser positive manner about the saying "stop and smell the roses"

I smelled the rose and it was amazing. Then all of a sudden a bee popped out and I tried to throw the rose away but in doing so I got poked by a thorn. Then the bee tracked me down and I got stung, not only that, but the rose I just threw, yeah it landed on a bee nest and now they're all after me. Because of this I am now unable to smell such an enjoyable thing and just have memories that I will miss that immediately turned bad.
Its like bringing candy to a foreign country that doesn't have candy. You introduce these kids to something amazing only for them to never ever taste it again? That's like falling in love with someone then never ever see them again. You know what is a symbol of love? Roses. Jerks.

Sunday, August 4, 2013


       Here's a post that will be a little different than normal. I am going to talk about me being Christian, church, and stuff of the like.
       So I grew up in an Evangelical church. Would I say I am Evangelical now? Well, I don't think I can really say that. I went to an evangelical church from when I was 6 and until I was 17. But I really didn't start to get serious until I was about 15 which is when I started to attend youth group.
       Well I guess I am just going to talk about my testimony and church.
       When I was 15 I started going to youth group with a friend. This friend very much enjoyed going and it was the high light every week. I felt like I got a lot out of the services and had fun with the people there. I really wasn't much like any of the other people there, I guess because I was more innocent and raised in a more conservative manner than a lot of the other casual attendants, but I liked them.
       That summer I became a camp counselor and it was life changing and well at the time I really knew for sure I believed in God... But things got different when I was a senior. I had been a "youth leader" the previous year then just before the senior year (12th grade) my youth pastor left. And I have to say youth group was kind of uncomfortable and awkward to attend to at the church after that, especially being a youth leader too because I had to step up. Well sometime during my senior year the head pastor of the church left as well which caused my entire family to leave looking for a new church.
       I have to tell you church searching is hard, but I started going to one where a lot of my friends went to. It wasn't the same but I still enjoyed it and I actually liked the sunday service's better than my previous church. But after I graduated it gradually got more and more awkward to go to church. I felt bad cause I loved the sermons but a lot my friends left for college and I was either older or younger and sat alone several times which made me feel uncomfortable. Plus transportation was starting to get difficult, so I guess you can say that I stopped going.
       I hopped around with my parents but then I realized, churches are awkward. In some aspects they're almost a joke. Like the people don't realize they're being hypocrits or how they are saying things that hurt people or make them feel incredibly judged. I went to sermons where the pastor would contradict himself with in the sermon. I met Christians who knew nothing about the bible and just based everything they knew with what they're religious leader said.... This is going back in times when everyone was illiterate. Not only that but the church is saying everyone is unique and has special gifts yet I feel like everyone is pressured in the EXACT SAME WAY to act a certain way and then the very second you don't reach what someone was expecting, they give this aura which is just incredibly uncomfortable.
       As I went through college I have to say I have never realized how cold I was towards people. And some Christians don't seem to understand what narrowminded means... They get upset by you for labelling them. But the thing is I know so many Christians who will go up to people and basically bluntly say "you're sinning" which is... super... hurtful to people. Or they say "I am praying for you" in a sense like "I am hoping God will show you the light."
       With that said I decided to take a very long break from church. I am tired of seeing Christians hurting people and not even realize it all while thinking they are "following God" and "Evangelizing."
       You might disagree with me but I think Christians are doing it wrong.... Like do they realize how they say things to people hurts them? Do they realize some of the things they do seem like jokes to others? We're doing these traditions that aren't even in the bible every sunday. One might say "yeah thats because its Sunday and its church" which is like the worse Christian thing to say because they also say "you should act as Christ like as you do on sundays everyday." yet all the silly traditions they do are never mentioned in the bible. Then the second you disagree with them they make it obvious they are going to "pray for you."
       My thing is I am tired of feeling like every little action to being judged and that I have to try and act a certain way all the time just reach ones expectations. I mean as long as you're not messing yours or anothers life in anyway then no one should really place so many people on a high pedestal then throw them off once they are different than what they were hoping. Plus NO ONE IS PERFECT INCLUDING YOU.
       I also want to say that not having gone to church for so long I feel like its more about me and God. More personal. Its not me, God, and everyone in my church anymore which it seems to be a lot of Christians making it. I guess before I was just trying to impress people and also was just getting a lot of my relationship idea's from other people on how to have God in your life. When its my life Gods given to ME!
       In the end I do want to find a church cause I haven't gone in a long time. Plus I was used to a certain kind of church all my life and how I was even a year ago is way different than I am now so I guess I just want to explore whats out there and see who I really am and what God has to say to me in this new area of life. I also want to say I feel more understanding of me and MY relationship with God than ever and having not gone to church for over a year has made me stronger in my faith and less blind about it.
       And to my Christian (or whatever you do/don't believe) I am going to apologize if this offends you. I am not apologizing for myself though because I take full pride in what I believe and I want you to know God is incredibly important to me. I am apologizing you are distracting yourself from God, the being that you say is your everything, to really be upset by something you disagree with. I am sorry you waste your time with these negative thoughts and either hurt or aggression. And if you read it this far and anything you read bothered you I guess you might be someone who I am hoping will read this blog I just want to ask, what is your relationship with God? Was it developed by your friends, church, maybe family?

And on a PS note
I am not saying I disagree with my old churches or parents or anything. I am just pointing out something I feel needs to be addressed in the church... And sorry if I worded this weird or had bad punctuation or something but also sorry if you waste time getting bothered by it.
I also really want you to watch Blue Like Jazz. It may not be the best done movie but it has a good message I think. And I whole heartedly agree with apologizing all these "Christians" have done to this world. They are not the face of Jesus and I hope you don't judge him for them.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Maybe Multimedia

So I was thinking I really need a job. I was also thinking is my major really for me? Well I do think I would be a great elementary school teacher, however I am not positive it will guarantee a job in the future. That and teachers don't make much money.
            If you know me well you would know my dream is to be a famous writer; the problem with that is I can’t focus long enough to finish anything I start… I guess really my dream is to have stories that are heard, whether it is short spontaneous stories, making fun of something, or long and deep stories. I also am a huge fan of symbolism and making people think. Sometimes I do that through humor, sometime through reason, and sometimes just through daily actions… Really I just want people to think for themselves rather than however they are receiving information.
            Media is one thing that really twists with people… I mean without media we’d still likely be bullying kids and lots of other things. Media has its pros and cons and my dream is best reached through media.
            Looking at a community college I learned they have a one year program to obtain a degree, one of which was multimedia and some kind of business program… I was thinking with those two things I could likely reach my dream all while earning money… Maybe it would be working with advertisements. Maybe I’ll make video’s and actually understand editing them. I could maybe have the will to write that novel. So what I am saying, I think when I head back to school, it will be back to community college and take Multimedia classes.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Barbie: the Horrible Role Model

Okay, I just want to talk about this picture for a second. But before I do that I need to find the place of origination. (if you go to google images and click the little camera icon you can upload a picture and it will find where the picture was first uploaded) If you click THIS RIGHT HERE it seems to take you to the original site. ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!

I first off want to say its really unsanitary to leave all that food on the bathroom flore. That Cabbage is going to soak up so much bacteria.
This picture leads me to understand barbie is NOT A VAMPIRE as there is also garlic. Maybe she is afraid one will come over and steal her food. Everything else in that bowl looks stuff you would cook to make a room smell nice. Maybe she's got some smelly stuff in the bathroom.
It also concerns me that she didn't bother taking out the cream above the bath tub before she took the picture, I mean seriously barbie we don't want to know about any rashes you might have. Speaking of health treatments above the bath tub I am wondering if maybe Barbie has other bad health habits. Or maybe those were the pills that her friends took and accidentally overdosed on.
Now lets see whats above the toilet.. A fish bowl... Wait... Did your gold fish die? I DON'T THINK SO! Barbie, you have to be careful!!! Something might happen and you might accidentally knock him into the toilet where he will be flushed down the drain and turn into some kind of sewage monster. Do you know how disturbed that will make children? YOU ARE A ROLE MODEL! Please don't scar children with turning fishes into sewer monsters.
Aww yuck, I just realized your bath room is such a mess. Couldn't you have cleaned up even more before this picture? Where on earth are your shoes too? Do you know how much bacteria is in your bathroom? What if you had a cut? Please at least wear a sock or something.

Well as you can tell, Barbie is a horrible role model...

Youtube: CheifShock

So I am starting to feel good about making video's... I really was originally just making them for friends and a few people I don't know subscribed... Well at this point its only 16 subscribers, but I still feel good about it. I have a few skit idea's but I don't know enough about video editing. I am thinking I might just click around and hope I figure it out.
But anyway my youtube channel; CheifShock is allowing me to tell the dorky stories that have happened. Which this blog was originally for but I might every so often just end a post with my latest video.
CheifShock if you are wondering how I got the name its because I was a camp counselor and my camp name was Shock... I always felt like some kind of chief doing it and I always thought "Chief" would be a cool name. I switched the i and the e cause of my name, Keith. Also if you want to make the h silent in the word, it would sound like "Keef" which is a cutesy way of saying my name.
Some of the challenges I've had is the camera... At first I was using my web cam but I couldn't get it to look right in any of the lighting I've been in. I might go back to it if I can find better lighting. Then I got a new camera which has been giving me way better quality but for pictures it leaves a red line; but not on video's. This camera has a wind noise too that I don't know how to get rid of... Oh and I need a tripod cause its really shaky... ya I don't have much video making experience, maybe that can be my niche-quirk?!?

Anyway I will link and explain a short summary of each video I have thus far posted.

The Uterus is Utters for Humans. is where I talk about a middle school experience. During sex ed I had to read and explain a couple things and well... I guessed and was wrong about what girl body parts are. It unexpectedly got over 400 views really quickly. A very pleasant surprise especially it being my first video I had posted.
Colossal Boobs I went to a concert and got seperated from the group getting stuck in some ladies... well lets just say you should watch it! currently is at 80 views.
Fat Cannibals is probably the most different between all of them. Its the closest one to a vlog and you have a better idea of what my sarcasm is. Basically I just vent about getting ran over by some dude on a scooter. I think this one is my favorite thus far. about 60 views as of right now.
Kid Stories "They have butt cheeks on their chests!" Basically kids say the darnest things! amiright orwhat? 50ish views now. It's also the longest video I have posted by a couple minutes.
Girls don't have taste buds outside their mouth flavored condoms are real? Why do we need them?!?!? I guess girls can taste in their... Oh wait I don't want to say the word.

Also if you want to watch them all I made a playlist for my stories which is called Story Time

Idea's for the future is skits... Hopefully this will be a good learning experience for video editting. I am thinking about telling stories with some of my funny friends where they react and make fun of me. Maybe me interviewing friends and making fun of them too. Oh and I have quirky silly songs which I want to do too but... well... lets hope it sounds good.

Friday, July 19, 2013

My Opinion on News Media

So I was going to originally post something about social media. But I decided to change it to another kind of media, the news; my opinions on the recent George Zimmerman trial, my feelings about it, and whether I think they were right or wrong.

Actually.... I have no opinion. In fact I know almost nothing about it except some guy killed a minority. I am well educated enough at this time in my life to where I am already aware of crap like this happening all the time. It's a sad truth. I mean yeah, people die every day. It happens. Something I've learned is you can't get overwhelmed about it. I'm also aware sometimes people can be innocent. So whatever the case with George Zimmerman is, I guess I just don't feel that I need to know.

Some people following up news stories is their hobby and that's okay. But to me I feel like it makes people edgy. I think the reason why there's so much labeling upon others is because there isn't much trust towards other people because of how much we hear about horrible things happening. And quite honestly, I don't like feeling worried, mad, depressed or any of those feelings. It seems like that's all news does to me. They say "we just want to show what people want to watch" but I have to disagree. If they showed more happy stuff, like praising charitable people more often I'd watch news more. The only reason people want to see negative stuff on the news is because of how long its been shown to us. Its what we grew to want to watch on the news... So why can't they help us grow out of it?

In all honesty the only time I really want to know about something bad is if its a major event, like a war upcoming.

Sure if something tragic happened to me I'd talk about it, but I'd talk about it personally with my own personal friends and acquaintances.

Friday, July 12, 2013

What to blog about next?

Blogging often is hard at times. I honestly have an endless supply of things to talk about and discuss but sometimes I am not sure if its something I truly want to post. Or maybe I am not sure its long enough to post. Or something along those lines... I never really get replies to posts but do get the views. So if you view this I guess my question is, what should I talk about. Give me an idea and I will make a post to the best of my ability. It can be humorous, political, philosophical, or anything. This is kind of my review on life I guess so give me stuff to review!

Monday, July 1, 2013


Everyone has different things they struggle with. As I have been getting older I have really noticed the ones that have affected me the most. Today I can honestly say the one thing that has been the biggest struggle for me would be self-motivation.

I often say one of my strengths is how little care, its also my biggest downfall. I guess I really just don't care about things which is always really nice because without caring I never really let things effect me negatively. But at the same time I do have goals and ambitions which I want to achieve.

The way I often see things is "Well I've gone without it this long I can go a little longer." For me personally seeing a reward at the end does nothing because of this. I'd rather do nothing and be okay without something I already don't have than actually doing it. I have learned though that rewarding myself before hand is better because then I feel obligated to actually get something done to show my appreciation towards something.

In high school I had the worse self motivation problems. Never doing homework and kind of just barely getting by day to day. Being punished never really bothered me because like I said I just don't care. That and being punished from where I was at never would have done much because to me it was like being grounded wasn't much different to how things were already.

Normally the best times for me to get motivation going is when i have something to inspire me... But it kind of has to be a constant inspiration. Like maybe watch or listen to motivational speakers or read encouraging things. The times I had the most motivation was when I had the most things going on in my life, probably because I am most exposed to the encouraging aspects in life.

So I have to ask, what are the biggest personal weaknesses which other people have?